The Stealth 2 Rescue hybrid is all about helping the every man golfer replace the hard-to-hit long iron with a club that can be hit accurately, consistently. TaylorMade took the success of the Stealth rescue hybrid and moved the center of gravity lower to achieve a more optimal launch angle and spin. More weight was added to the back of the club to increase the moment of inertia. MOI has been a hot buzzword in the early 2020's, basically it's a quantitative measure of the rotational inertia of the club head when contact is made with the ball. If the ball is hit on the toe of the club face, the twisting you feel as the club face wants to open is what MOI is referring to, so when a manufacturer says they have created a club with the highest MOI it means that the twisting is limited. That's good for you because a club face that remains facing the target even when you don't hit the ball in the center of the face, is a shot that is going to go straighter than a club face that twists open or closed on impact.