Ping created their first hybrid in 2005 when they released the G5 line. As with every club that Ping manufactures, there is an incredible amount of iterating and testing that goes into the hybrids so that when they release, the products perform at or above expectations. That was evident on the G hybrids in 2016, the G400 hybrids in 2018, the G410 hybrids 2019, the G425 hybrids in 2021, and the most recent G430 hybrids. Each release had some sort of innovative feature that made it better than the previous model, it wasn't just a release for the sake of having a release. The 2016 G had a tiered internal sole for face flexing improvement, the G410 was Ping's first hybrid with adjustable weights for ball flight optimization, the G430 has Carbonfly Wrap that adds ball speed, distance, and green-holding stopping power, and that's just a few of the innovations that have occurred over the years. All that to say, whatever model you end up trying, you'll get a good one.